Live Smart. Be Happy. Travel Now.
Hey there! We’re Kirsty and Nathan, two Aussies looking to find that elusive work-life balance and make the most of the time we have with our family. Come along as we explore the world, annoy our kids, and try to live our best life!
Hi! We’re the Russell family, and we’re making videos about our travels.
Our family has all kinds of disabilities, allergies, commitments and lame excuses not to travel – but we won’t let them stop us. We want to show you the world through our eyes, and perhaps inspire you to pack your bags and travel too!
Our story is just like yours
We’ve got jobs, kids, a mortgage, and too many commitments. Never enough time to plan a trip, let alone take one. But we don’t let that stop us.
Some days, just choosing what’s for dinner is too hard, let alone thinking about travel. We’re not rich or glamorous. Our kids have disabilities. We have allergies. We’re carrying a spare tyre or two (and not in the car, if you know what we mean!). With all the stresses of life, there are so many reasons not to travel. We know, we spent years making excuses for why we couldn’t go places, do the things our friends were doing, or live the life we had dreamt for ourselves. It took a serious mindset shift to get us out of our comfort zone (well, off the couch!).
Now, when we book an escape our lives get infinitely more exciting, and we haven’t even packed our bags yet!
Come join us on our travels. See the world with us. Live vicariously through our photos and videos, ask questions, or give tips.